Zero Days is a documentary that explores the world of cyber warfare, focusing on the Stuxnet virus, a top-secret project by the government communications headquarters. It delves into the cyber attacks on Iran and their consequences. The film examines the use of malware and computer worms like Stuxnet to infiltrate nuclear reactors and centrifuges, revealing the escalating cyber warfare between nations. Featuring reenactments and interviews with experts, Zero Days provides a gripping and eye-opening account of the hidden world of cybercrime.
Before the creation of the secret cities of Los Alamos, Oak Ridge and Hanford, the Manhattan Project hired the Mallinckrodt Chemical Works of St. Louis to refine the first uranium used in the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. For the next two decades, Mallinckrodt continued its classified work for the Atomic Energy Commission during the Cold War. The resulting radioactive waste contaminated numerous locations in the St. Louis area some of which have not been cleaned up 70 years after the end of World War II. Told through the eyes of an overexposed worker, the story expands through a series of interviews that careen down a toxic pathway leading to a fiery terminus at a smoldering, radioactively-contaminated landfill. The First Secret City reveals a forgotten history and its continuing impact on the community in the 21st Century, uncovering past wrongdoing and documenting the renewed struggles to confront the issue.
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