In Oppenheimer, the film explores the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, an American scientist who played a pivotal role in developing the atomic bomb. The plot follows Oppenheimer's journey from his time as a young doctoral student to his appointment as the director of the Manhattan Project during World War II. The film delves into Oppenheimer's personal and political struggles, his encounters with influential scientists, and the moral dilemma he faced. Oppenheimer's story is told against the backdrop of the historical events and political climate of the time, highlighting the consequences of his groundbreaking work and the initiation of the nuclear arms race.
Oppenheimer is a TV mini-series that tells the story of J. Robert Oppenheimer, an American physicist who played a key role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II. The series explores Oppenheimer's life and work at Los Alamos, New Mexico, where he led the Manhattan Project, as well as the personal and ethical challenges he faced. Set in the 1930s and 1940s, Oppenheimer provides a captivating glimpse into the fascinating world of nuclear physics and its potential for destruction.
Zebraman is a comedic sci-fi action movie about a teacher who becomes a masked superhero. He jumps from rooftops, pretends to be gay, and uses a baseball bat as a weapon. The movie is a superhero spoof with comic violence and parody elements. It explores themes of loss, violence, and heroism.
During the Cold War, a technical glitch mistakenly sends a US bomber group towards Moscow with orders to drop a nuclear bomb, causing a race against time to prevent a devastating nuclear war.
Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie is a documentary that explores the history of atomic bombs, from their development to their use and the impact on society. Through archive footage and interviews with physicists, the film provides a comprehensive overview of the nuclear era. It covers topics such as the Cold War, the arms race, and the catastrophic effects of nuclear weapons. The documentary also delves into the scientific aspects of nuclear bombs, including detonation, radiation, and the technology behind them.
Deep Core is a thrilling movie set in a world threatened by natural disasters. A team of scientists and oil drillers embark on a dangerous mission to save the planet. With the fate of the world on the line, they face perilous challenges, including volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and explosive situations. Redemption, self-sacrifice, and the pursuit of truth are central themes as they uncover a conspiracy that could change everything.
When a mysterious stowaway threatens the safety of a private jet, a group of friends must uncover the truth and fight for their lives.
Countdown to Zero is a documentary that explores the risk and dangers associated with nuclear weapons and the importance of eliminating them. It delves into various topics such as the arms race, nuclear proliferation, power politics, and international relations. The film highlights the urgency of taking action to prevent a catastrophe caused by these destructive weapons.
Hungarian physicist Leo Szilard leaves Europe, eventually arriving in the United States. With the help of Einstein, he persuades the government to build an atomic bomb. The project is given to no-nonsense Gen. Leslie Groves who selects physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer to head the Los Alamos Laboratory in New Mexico, where the bomb is built. As World War II draws to a close, Szilard has second thoughts about atomic weapons, and policy makers debate how and when to use the bomb.
In "War Book," a group of British government officials meet to simulate a response to a hypothetical nuclear war, exploring the consequences and challenges of such a scenario. As tensions rise between India and Pakistan, the group faces intense discussions, ethical dilemmas, and political pressure. Set in a single location, the movie offers a dialogue-driven exploration of international relations and the potential devastation of nuclear warfare.
Set in 1945, 'Hiroshima' portrays the catastrophic impact of the atomic bomb dropped on the city and the aftermath on its survivors. Through historical reenactment and archive footage, the film explores the political decisions and the devastating consequences of the nuclear weapon.
Countdown to Looking Glass is a gripping drama that takes place during a time of intense global tension. The story follows the events leading up to a potential nuclear war, the strategic air command, and the actions taken by various individuals and organizations involved. As the countdown to doomsday progresses, tensions rise, and the fate of the world hangs in the balance.
An anti-war exploration of the filmmaker's experience with recurring nightmares about a potential nuclear apocalypse, through the lens of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
A political dinner turns deadly when a group of power starved politicians fight for a seat of survival on a helicopter at the onset of a nuclear war.
Peter Jennings takes a behind-the-scenes look at the Truman administration and the events that led to the atomic bombing of Japan in 1945. Includes footage of the incredible destruction, some of which has been kept secret for decades.
This kaleidoscopic, amphetamine-paced tour de force uses a barrage of found-footage images and rapid-fire narration to trace a history of Zaire since its independence in 1960.
A Civil Defense film that focuses on what the average American can do to protect himself if caught out in the open or at home during a nuclear attack.
The tragic story of a guest and his perspective of the war between the society, and the enemy bacon soldiers.
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