Lizzy, a talented sculptor, navigates the challenges of preparing for her art show while dealing with family and friends. She forms a peculiar bond with her enigmatic landlord, Jo, as they care for an injured bird. However, a kiln fire destroys Lizzy's artwork and her brother's mental state deteriorates, adding uncertainty to her upcoming exhibition. As Lizzy's family unexpectedly appears at the show, events take an intriguing turn. Lizzy and Jo embark on a quest to recapture a pigeon, only to discover its mysterious intentions.
Art School Confidential is a comedy drama that follows a talented art student named Jerome as he enters art school and navigates the challenges of becoming a successful artist. Along the way, he encounters various characters including a serial killer, a nude model, and a prostitute. Jerome struggles with teenage crushes, sexuality, and the pressure to conform to the art world. The movie explores themes of love, competition, and the pursuit of artistic excellence.
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