Vicky, a young woman seeking solace after a traumatic breakup, finds herself in a nightmarish situation when she retreats to a friend's secluded cabin. While continuing her provocative online modeling gigs, she is plagued by power outages. To her horror, Vicky soon realizes that a masked killer with a crowbar is lurking in the dark, determined to end her night in a brutal manner.
Myra is a trusted courier for drug-lord Anton. When she wants to retire, Anton plans to make sure her retirement is very permanent; as in dead.
Vicky, a young woman seeking an escape, goes to a friend's cabin in the woods after a traumatic breakup. She continues to model lingerie on an adults-only livestream website, but encounters a masked killer with a crowbar when the power keeps going out in the cabin. The killer is determined to end her night in a horrifying way.
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