To Love-Ru (2008) is a story about Rito Yuuki, an average high school student who suddenly finds himself engaged to the extraterrestrial Lala Satalin Deviluke, the princess of the Deviluke planet. As Rito navigates through his newfound chaotic life, filled with aliens, accidental groping, and intergalactic adventures, he must also deal with his growing harem of beautiful girls who develop feelings for him.
When a woman has a sexual encounter with an alien, she finds her DNA altered and starts experiencing a dangerous transformation. As she struggles to control her newfound abilities, a group of scientists and government agents tries to capture her for their own sinister purposes.
During a mission to investigate Halley's Comet, a crew discovers an alien spaceship filled with desiccated corpses. They bring one of the corpses back to Earth, unknowingly unleashing a space vampire that starts feeding on human energy, leading to a city-wide apocalypse.
In 'Decoys,' a college freshman named Luke discovers that the females in his dorm are actually aliens who have come to mate with humans and spread their species. Luke joins forces with another student, Jenny, to try and stop the alien invasion.
In this sequel to Decoys, college students are once again targeted by seductive alien decoys. As the students fall victim to their seductive allure, they discover the true identity and intentions of their otherworldly visitors. With a blend of horror, sci-fi, and thriller elements, this movie takes viewers on a suspenseful journey filled with lust, danger, and supernatural encounters.
When a curious female alien arrives on Earth, she becomes fascinated by the intricacies of human sexuality. As she explores the depths of passion and desire, she navigates through encounters, from softcore lesbian experiences to group sex. This erotic sci-fi film takes viewers on an exploration of sensuality and discovery.
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