Sisyphus is a thrilling and suspenseful TV show set in the future where an engineer discovers the secret of time travel. He meets a female time traveler from the future and together they navigate through a dystopian world and investigate the mysteries surrounding their existence.
After being trapped in a nuclear bunker for 35 years due to paranoia about the Cold War, a man emerges into the present day and must navigate the challenges and changes of modern society in Los Angeles. Along the way, he forms new relationships, falls in love, and learns about the world that has evolved while he was isolated.
Uranium: Twisting the Dragon's Tail is a documentary TV show that delves into the history, science, and consequences of uranium. It explores topics such as nuclear power, radiation, and the development of nuclear weapons. The show also covers significant events like the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters, as well as the Manhattan Project and the Cold War.
When a nuclear war breaks out, a group of chosen survivors find themselves locked in a nuclear shelter. As they try to establish a new community underground, they must face various challenges and mysterious events that threaten their survival.
Gene Hackman stars as a Regional Civil Defense official who attempts to convince a skeptical county commissioner to adopt a Community Shelter Planning program. The purpose of the program is to identify fallout shelter space for all of the citizens of the community.
An educational film that instructs people on how to survive atomic bombs and the radiation they emit while following a family facing nuclear attack who calmly prepare for the aftermath. Shows the various modes of Civil Defense that were being developed to protect the American population in the event of a nuclear war.
A Civil Defense film that focuses on what the average American can do to protect himself if caught out in the open or at home during a nuclear attack.
Civil Defense film that outlines steps to be taken to protect your home and family in case of a nuclear attack by the Russians (or Chinese, or whoever the enemy at the moment will be). Included are such steps as building a bomb shelter in your basement or outside in your back yard, storing a supply of food, medicine, clothing and emergency supplies and covering your windows with blinds or draperies so when the bomb drops you won't be sliced to pieces by broken glass.
A propaganda film about how to be warned about a attack and what to do when under fire from a foreign power as provided by Bell Telephone System.
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