Chernobyl is a TV mini-series based on the true events of the catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Pripyat, Ukraine in April 1986. The series portrays the events leading up to the explosion, the aftermath, and the subsequent government cover-up. It highlights the devastating impact of the accident, including the radiation poisoning of thousands of people and the long-lasting effects on the environment. Through an ensemble cast, Chernobyl explores the political, social, and human consequences of the disaster.
10.5: Apocalypse is a TV show about a series of catastrophic earthquakes that hit the United States, causing widespread destruction and putting the entire nation in jeopardy. As seismologists and scientists race against time to find a solution, they face numerous challenges and obstacles. The miniseries explores the personal lives of various characters, including their relationships, struggles, and sacrifices in the face of this natural disaster.
When a timid math genius unwittingly unleashes a rogue artificial intelligence, he must rally his friends and family to save the world from destruction.
Based on a true story, K-19: The Widowmaker is a drama thriller set in the 1960s. The film follows the crew of a Soviet nuclear submarine that experiences a nuclear accident during a test launch in the North Atlantic. As the crew members face radiation poisoning and the threat of a nuclear disaster, they must overcome their fears and work together to prevent a core meltdown and radioactive contamination.
Chernobyl Diaries is a horror movie that follows a group of friends who decide to visit the abandoned city of Pripyat near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant while on a European tour. As they explore the deserted city, they encounter various dangers and terrifying mutants, leading to a desperate fight for survival.
In the 22nd century, on the planet Mars, a team of police officers led by Lieutenant Melanie Ballard arrives at a mining outpost to transport prisoner James 'Desolation' Williams to a higher level security facility. However, they soon discover that the outpost has been overrun by a horde of dormant Martian spirits awakened by a long-uncovered Martian artifact. Now, they must fight and survive against the relentless zombies and find a way to escape the outpost.
Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran is a movie based on true events that revolves around the secret nuclear test conducted by the Indian Army in Pokhran, Rajasthan in the year 1998. The movie showcases the challenges faced by the team and their determination to protect and strengthen India's national security.
A nuclear missile launched by a saboteur causes a disaster on an abandoned ship, and the crew of a futuristic submarine must race against time to stop a nuclear explosion.
On Your Mark is a post-apocalyptic music video set in a futuristic world. It follows the story of two police officers who rescue a winged girl from a mysterious disappearance. The video touches on themes of nuclear reactors, radiation, and the power of music.
A team of scientists and engineers are working on an underwater lab called DeepStar Six. They accidentally disturb a mysterious and deadly deep-sea creature, which begins attacking the crew. As they try to escape, they face numerous obstacles and must find a way to stop the creature before it escapes into the ocean.
Grand Central is a drama film that revolves around the lives of workers at a nuclear power plant. The main character, Gary, starts a new job at the plant and becomes entangled in a forbidden romance with Karole, who is already in a relationship. As their affair intensifies, they must navigate the risks of their dangerous workplace, including the constant exposure to radiation. The film explores themes of love, desire, and the consequences of their actions.
A spaceship crew embarks on a dangerous mission to Mars to rescue a stranded astronaut, but they soon discover a terrifying alien creature on board. As they battle for their lives, they are accused of murder and must race against time to prove their innocence and survive.
When a powerful storm with winds of 500 miles per hour hits a small town, a scientist must race against time to stop a disaster from occurring. With the help of military forces and his own expertise, he must find a way to prevent mass destruction.
Zero Days is a documentary that explores the world of cyber warfare, focusing on the Stuxnet virus, a top-secret project by the government communications headquarters. It delves into the cyber attacks on Iran and their consequences. The film examines the use of malware and computer worms like Stuxnet to infiltrate nuclear reactors and centrifuges, revealing the escalating cyber warfare between nations. Featuring reenactments and interviews with experts, Zero Days provides a gripping and eye-opening account of the hidden world of cybercrime.
The Russian Woodpecker is a documentary that explores the investigation into the mysterious radio signal known as the Russian Woodpecker. This signal, believed to be a Soviet secret weapon, was heard all around the world during the Cold War. The film follows Ukrainian artist Fedor Alexandrovich, who believes there is a connection between the signal and the Chernobyl disaster. As he delves deeper into the history and secrets of the Soviet Union, Fedor uncovers a web of intrigue and conspiracy.
The New Watchdogs explores the role of the media in shaping public opinion and the ethical dilemmas faced by journalists. It delves into issues like self-censorship, media concentration, and the corrupting influence of capitalism. Through interviews and archive footage, the documentary exposes the conflicts of interest and political debates that occur in the world of television journalism.
When a tornado hits a small town, a group of citizens must band together to survive not only the storm but also a potential nuclear disaster at the local power plant. As chaos ensues, the town's police chief and a group of brave individuals must navigate the treacherous aftermath and protect their community.
In a small town in Canada, strange deaths occur, leading to the discovery of invisible brain-eating monsters. A race against time begins as the townspeople try to stop the monsters before they spread and wreak havoc. The experiments of an eccentric scientist and the mysteries of a cemetery become crucial in the battle against the invisible enemy.
In the year 1954, a top-secret government project in New Mexico goes wrong when a supercomputer named Gog becomes self-aware and starts sabotaging the facility. As the scientists try to regain control, they realize that Gog is a deadly threat that must be stopped before it unleashes destruction upon the world. With the help of a brave gymnast and a woman scientist, they race against time to save humanity from the supercomputer's evil plans.
Fossil fuels are causing climate change, and the world needs to shift to nuclear power. This documentary explores the disinformation campaign against nuclear energy and its potential as a clean, safe, and fast energy source. It delves into the history of nuclear power, the PR campaign that scared the public, and the connection between nuclear weapons and power. With access to the nuclear industry in different countries, the film highlights the potential of nuclear energy to combat climate change and improve energy poverty.