The Day After (1983) is a drama/sci-fi TV movie that follows the lives of various individuals in Lawrence, Kansas, before, during, and after a nuclear war between the Soviet Union and the United States. The movie portrays the devastating consequences of a nuclear war, including the destruction of cities, mass deaths, and the struggles of survivors in the post-apocalyptic world. It explores themes of fear, despair, and the fragile nature of human existence in the face of total annihilation.
By Dawn's Early Light is a movie about a nuclear missile crisis which leads to a dangerous escalation between superpowers. As tensions rise and the threat of nuclear war looms, military personnel and political leaders must navigate the chaos and make critical decisions to prevent disaster.
Dramatization of a devastating nuclear strike against the United States by the Soviet Union, followed by interviews with analysts and military figures. Produced by the United States Air Force.
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