In the year 2063, Earth is submerged by rising sea levels, leaving two small continents in constant conflict. Last Sentinel's crew, led by Hendrichs, awaits relief in a watchtower. When an empty ship, the Aurora, drifts into view, tensions rise as the crew debates whether to repair the ship and escape or stay put. Suspicion and fear take hold, leading to potential downfall.
Terrorists steal nuclear warheads and a pilot and park ranger team up to track them down and prevent a catastrophe.
Following a nuclear attack by terrorists on London, a mixed bag of survivors are trapped in a Government bunker cut off from the outside world. As they come to terms with their predicament they find that their security and safety are not as assured as they originally hoped…
Senior officer Otso Kontio has finally hung up his gun and badge and is spending his peaceful retiment days at his cabin. The peace is broken when his old partner Auni Parmas brings news about the destruction threatening the municipality of Valkeakoski.
Former thief teams up with a nuclear scientist to get rid of a dead body, but they end up caught in a hostage situation during a gold heist on a hijacked ship.
After the needless death of his wife and unborn child during a theft and raid on an army base (and it was really needless as the hoods just burst in and shoot up his apt for no reason) an ex-member of Delta Force and decorated war veteran Fred Williamson go to South America and repeatedly blow it up!
Sci-fi action tale of a man who discovers that no one recognizes him... no one except his government that is; and "they" are working overtime to erase him from existance.
Documentary movie about testing of the largest nuclear weapon in history, the Tsar Bomba. Declassified and made available to the public in 2020.
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