Set during World War I, The Man Who Saved Christmas follows the story of a patriotic inventor and toymaker who is determined to bring joy to children despite the challenges of war. Amidst strained relationships and a war effort, he works tirelessly to create innovative toys and promote war bonds. Through his perseverance and love for his country, he becomes an inspiration to others and saves Christmas for countless children.
The Last Flight follows a World War I pilot who struggles with PTSD and attempts to find his place in society after the war. He embarks on a journey of self-discovery as he battles with alcohol abuse, irrational behavior, and social awkwardness. Along the way, he encounters a group of friends, a pet turtle, and finds solace in the cancan dance. The film explores themes of survivorship, war injuries, and the lasting effects of combat.
A documentary about the threat of war breaking out in Europe, focusing on Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini.
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