In an alternate reality of Los Angeles, a detective named Daryl Ward and his orc partner, Nick Jakoby, are faced with the task of finding a powerful wand before it falls into the wrong hands. The wand, capable of unleashing darkness upon the world, is sought after by an evil elf named Leilah, who wants to resurrect the Dark Lord. Along the way, Ward and Jakoby encounter corrupt cops, gangsters, and other creatures from this urban fantasy world. With the help of a young elf named Tikka, they must protect the wand and prevent the impending catastrophe.
In the year 1980, a series of murders sparks a deep investigation into police corruption, conspiracy, and a copycat killer. As the truth unfolds, the detectives face a web of deceit and danger.
In Jane and the Lost City, a British female protagonist finds herself in an action-packed adventure in Africa during World War Two. She must navigate through dangerous situations involving Nazis, a lost city, diamonds, and a journey shown on a map. With elements of comedy, the film also features chimpanzees, African wildlife, and thrilling chases.
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