Aftershock is a drama film that revolves around the year 2008, when a massive earthquake hits the city of Tangshan in Hebei Province, China. The film follows the story of a group of strangers who are forced to come together and face the aftermath of the disaster. It explores themes of loss, survival, and the indomitable spirit of the human beings. As they navigate through the wreckage, they encounter various challenges and make difficult decisions. The film also delves into the personal lives of the characters, including their relationships, hopes, and dreams. Aftershock is a poignant tale of resilience, sacrifice, and the power of human connection.
Red Firecracker, Green Firecracker is a movie set in Northern China during the 1910s. It tells the story of a painter who becomes involved in a love triangle with a teenage girl and a manufacturer. The movie explores themes of male-female relationships, family relationships, and cross-dressing.
The Avenger, a brooding swordsman armed with a blade marked "Slayer of 1000 Armies" claims he's waiting for a long-missing friend, at an outpost in Northwest China's Sun Valley. The Avenger suffers an intense fear of blood, from being the only survivor of his clan's massacre. The sight of blood propels him into a killing fury. Winter is setting in, so the local horse trader Black Bull, and most of the valley's men, prepare to drive a herd to market, leaving behind Black Bull's girlfriend, a feisty innkeeper.
When impoverished young bride Youyou (Zhang) collapses from hunger at the door of handsome buccaneer Pan Hao (You Yong), he immediately decides to have her, much to the chagrin of his current squeeze, Widow Ma (Jiang Yanqiang).
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