Set in a dystopian future, Brave New World depicts a society where people are assigned to specific castes and live a life of hedonism and conformity. When two individuals embark on a forbidden love affair, they unravel the secrets of their controlled world, leading to a revolution and uprising against the established order. Through themes of bioengineering, mind control, and sexual liberation, the series explores the dangers of a utopian society.
Zebra Lounge is a crime drama thriller about a couple who decides to spice up their sex life by attending a swingers' party, but things take a dangerous turn when they become involved in a murder investigation.
Now Apocalypse follows Ulysses and his friends as they navigate the challenges of fame-seeking, exploring sexuality, and dealing with strange premonitions in Los Angeles. As they pursue their dreams and desires, they stumble upon a hidden alien conspiracy that threatens to disrupt their lives. The show combines elements of comedy, sci-fi, and fantasy to create a unique and absurd experience.
Follow four curious couples through the world of polyamory as they experiment with bringing a third partner into their relationship.
Two girls discover that they are both dating the same guy, leading to a confrontation that reveals dark secrets and tests their friendships.
Michael, a lonely gay singer-songwriter terrified of pursuing his musical dreams and exploring romantic intimacy, relies on his best friend and her girlfriend for support and affection. However, when he meets a newly open married couple seeking a casual encounter, the three men enter into a relationship that is more vulnerable than any of them ever expected.
In the 1970s, a group of student nurses face various personal hurdles while working in a hospital, including dealing with unwanted pregnancies, exploring their sexuality, and facing the realities of the Vietnam War. The film explores themes of feminism, sexual liberation, and growing up.
Vange, a lonely biker, is enchanted by the relationship and freedom of four girls, with whom she spends a weekend where exchanges about lesbian experiences and culture are present, accompanied by a mutual affection that gradually establishes itself.
“In This Moment” is the story of a transwoman named Love, who is polyamorous and trying to navigate the world around her identities by coming to terms with how she deserves and needs to be loved in a world where her existence is an act of protest. “In This Moment" teaches us that love is like the ocean. It is different in every pattern and location it exists.
In an attempt to abandon their well-practiced social constructs, a group of friends test the limits of monogamy, friendship, betrayal, and freedom.
Sexuality is complex. Sexuality is diverse. Sexuality is More Than Monogamy. Let's look at why there can be so much more to a relationship than monogamy.
Samuel hates the idea of having a serious relationship, until he starts getting involved with Antônio. However, when he is about to admit to himself and his friends, Gabi and Moraes, that he is falling in love, he receives the news that William, his situationship's boyfriend, is back in town. This leaves him confused, unable to understand how to act, or what to do with the feelings he is also starting to feel for the newcomer.
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