In a world where mass extinction events threaten humanity, a covert organization known as 'The Lazarus Project' has the power to manipulate time and prevent these catastrophes. With the ability to make time go backwards, they work tirelessly to ensure the survival of mankind. However, their operations are shrouded in secrecy and the consequences of altering the past are unknown. As they navigate through dangerous missions and face both internal and external conflicts, they must grapple with the ethical implications of their actions. Can they save humanity without unraveling the fabric of time?
Set during World War I, a young German soldier faces the harsh realities and devastating effects of war as he fights in the trenches and witnesses the loss of his comrades.
Intruders is a supernatural horror thriller that follows the story of a 12-year-old girl who is haunted by an intruder. As she tries to uncover the truth behind the mysterious figure, she must confront her darkest fears and protect herself and her family. With a combination of suspense, horror, and supernatural elements, Intruders keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
In Frequencies, a boy-meets-girl story with a twist, love and fate are determined by frequencies their bodies emit, leading to paradoxes and challenges. This Australian science fiction film explores human connections, natural selection, and the concept of free will in a thought-provoking way.
David is a successful city trader in London who is relentlessly focused on work. Beneath the confident facade, he is trapped by memories of the past and hostile to anyone who dares to help. Flashbacks reveal a childhood in South Africa at the mercy of an inadequate bully of a father Donald and an ineffectual mother Joanne. The physical and sexual abuse he suffered threatens any chance of happiness he might have now.
The study of a one-year marriage that begins to crumble. A married man is torn between the love of his wife, and the attraction to a cousin of his wife.
In Blood Will Tell, a widower becomes the prime suspect in the murder of his wife. As the investigation of the suspicious death unfolds, dark family secrets and hidden motives are revealed, leading to a thrilling and suspenseful story of suspicion, violence, and intricate relationships.
In 'A Hard Problem,' a group of scientists embark on a groundbreaking project to unravel the enigma of human consciousness. As they delve deeper into their research, they are confronted with personal demons and ethical dilemmas that challenge their understanding of existence and mortality.
When Nora decides to send her sister, Rose, a suicide video, her sister quickly invites her on a healing trip to a remote forest. But what Rose doesn't know is that Nora has another, far more disturbing, agenda with the trip.
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