Ace Ventura, Pet Detective, returns from a spiritual quest to investigate the disappearance of a rare white bat, the sacred animal of a tribe in Africa. Accompanied by his Capuchin monkey, Spike, he must overcome his fear of bats and navigate the problems of dealing with the tribes to solve the mystery. Along the way, he discovers a plot to let the tribes destroy each other and takes down the mastermind behind it. With his mission accomplished, Ace returns the bat to the tribes, but his actions have consequences.
The Unnatural History of the Kakapo is a documentary that delves into the story of the critically endangered Kakapo parrot. It showcases the bird's struggle for survival, the invasive species threatening its existence, and the dedicated efforts of conservationists to protect and breed this unique species. Set in the beautiful landscapes of New Zealand, the film highlights the challenges faced by the Kakapo and the importance of wildlife sanctuary and conservation programs.
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