After 11 years, the original Jackass crew reunites for another hilarious and wildly absurd display of comedy, pushing the envelope even further. Celebrating the joy of being back together with their best friends, they embark on a new crusade filled with perfectly executed shots to the dingdong and daring stunts. Join Johnny and the team for Jackass Forever, a non-stop rollercoaster of laughter and danger.
Six Men Getting Sick is an experimental animated short film that depicts the surreal suffering of six men. The film explores themes of sickness, surrealism, and darkness, using unique artistry and animation techniques. The film has no dialogue and features a series of disturbing and grotesque images, creating a haunting and unsettling viewing experience.
"A short video featuring my friends the ants along with cheese, etc. and one-and-a-half tracks from the Thought Gang album."
Life can be hard on planet Earth, especially when you're running out of air.
Music is produced by different objects in an industrial and desolate landscape.
Experimental video project exploring the pressures of masculine identity in the age of the internet.
An eight-hour contemplative epic, entirely starring sheep.
The Demon Nightmare in the form of a plague doctor creates nightmarish visions that appear to people in dreams.
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