Six Men Getting Sick is an experimental animated short film that depicts the surreal suffering of six men. The film explores themes of sickness, surrealism, and darkness, using unique artistry and animation techniques. The film has no dialogue and features a series of disturbing and grotesque images, creating a haunting and unsettling viewing experience.
Music is produced by different objects in an industrial and desolate landscape.
Life can be hard on planet Earth, especially when you're running out of air.
"A short video featuring my friends the ants along with cheese, etc. and one-and-a-half tracks from the Thought Gang album."
An eight-hour contemplative epic, entirely starring sheep.
Swedish filmmaker Mikael Kristersson directs this austere yet beautiful experimental documentary about two European falcons. Shot over the course of two years, Kristersson manages to fashion a narrative without the use of voice-overs or music, showing the falcons as they forage for food and tend to their eggs. Much of this film, though, is spent viewing the world from the falcons' vantage point -- high up on a 13th century church steeple, watching the groundskeeper tending to the village cemetery and the choir boys growing tired of a long religious procession. ~ Jonathan Crow, Rovi
"A hippie takes a musical journey through hallucinogen animation." ----------------------------------Summary from Boxoffice [Issue from 4/14/1975, p.6] This Real Live productions film consists of a kaleidoscope of images and colors, flashes of real-life scenes and animated art work, all set to music. There is no plot. The thread that holds this full-length feature together is an animated hippie character who sits in his living room listening to a Los Angeles radio station while smoking marijuana. His “high” allows him to dream up all the images on-screen. Although the film is overly long and, for that reason, seems disconnected, the photography and art work (by Patrick) are quite enjoyable. The picture seems meant to be viewed by young people and might find appeal in selective showcasing. Anton Noel produced, directed and wrote the film, done in four-channel Quadrophonic sound. Soundtrack is available from Storybook Records.
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