Go Fish is a comedy drama that follows the story of a group of friends as they navigate relationships, deception, and self-discovery. With an all-female crew, the film explores themes of friendship, lust, and the complexities of lesbian relationships. The episodic structure and montage sequences add depth to the story, while the female director's perspective brings a unique and authentic portrayal of lesbian culture.
In this early silent film, the consequences of feminism are explored through comedic situations. It features role reversals, cross-dressing, and social satire, all set in a black-and-white world. The story revolves around a woman who fights against traditional gender roles and expectations, leading to humorous moments and unexpected encounters. The film touches on themes of feminism, effeminacy, and the changing dynamics of relationships.
After Blue is a surreal and erotic fantasy movie set in a post-apocalyptic world. It follows a blonde woman who works as a hairdresser by day and embarks on a passionate and dangerous mission by night. She encounters various neo-western and sci-fi elements, such as guns, torture, tentacles, and a fantasy versus reality theme. The movie explores themes of femininity, desire, and survival.
Mariam lives in an Armenian village where there are no men. On her birthday, her hopes of a reunited family are shattered, but she must put aside her own crushed dreams and help her friend Anush as she embarks into motherhood.
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