Nobody Knows is a Japanese drama film set in Tokyo, Japan. It tells the story of four siblings who are left to fend for themselves after their mother abandons them in their apartment. The film follows their struggles to survive and maintain a semblance of normalcy while facing neglect, malnutrition, and the challenges of being children on their own. Based on a true story, Nobody Knows explores themes of family, responsibility, and the resilience of the human spirit.
A slacker surfer named Shaun Brumder jumps from one low-paying job to another with no ambition or direction in life. However, when his application to Stanford University is mistakenly rejected due to a clerical error, Shaun embarks on a mission to rectify the situation and prove his worth. Along the way, he faces various obstacles and learns valuable life lessons about love, family, and the importance of following one's dreams.
Above the Rim is a crime drama and sports movie that follows the story of a talented high school basketball player named Kyle Watson. As he prepares for a crucial championship game, Kyle navigates through the challenges of the street life, including drug dealers, gangsters, and the pressure to secure a scholarship. Along the way, he encounters issues of violence, betrayal, and personal loss, which ultimately shape his journey on and off the court.
Brian O'Conner, an FBI agent, joins forces with Dominic Toretto to bring down a heroin importer by infiltrating his operation. As they race against time, they encounter thrilling car chases, relentless enemies, and the importance of family.
Southside with You follows Barack Obama and Michelle Robinson's first date in Chicago in 1989. The couple spends a day together, visiting an art exhibit, watching a movie, and sharing intimate conversations that reveal their hopes, dreams, and aspirations. The film offers a glimpse into their deep bond and foreshadows the future they will build together.
After being released from prison, a man returns home to his brother and gets involved in a deadly love triangle and a series of crimes involving murder and revenge.
Driving Lessons is a coming-of-age film that follows a teenage boy who forms an unlikely bond with a retired actress. As he helps her with everyday tasks, he learns valuable life lessons and discovers his own talents and desires. Set in the suburbs of the United Kingdom, the film explores themes of guilt, escape, and the complexities of relationships.
The Turbo Charged Prelude for 2 Fast 2 Furious is a short film that sets the stage for the events in the movie. It follows Brian O'Conner as he evades the police and makes his way to Miami. Along the way, he encounters various challenges and showcases his skills as a driver. The film serves as a bridge between the first and second installments of the Fast and Furious franchise.
A former movie star, Monica Scott, returns to the big screen along with younger boyfriend, Eric Cline, after a long absence. Monica is very jealous of the attention Eric gives to her body double - Lisa. The plot becomes difficult to follow as it changes between real life and the movie they are making. The jealousy inevitably leads to murder attempts and denials
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