His and Her Christmas is a heartwarming holiday film that follows the story of two newspaper reporters, Liz and Ben, who are competing against each other. As they work on their respective articles, they find themselves falling in love despite their professional rivalry. This Christmas romance explores themes of love, family, and the magic of the holiday season.
In Picture Snatcher, a journalist named Danny escapes from prison and becomes a tabloid photographer. He hopes to capture scandalous photos to boost his career, leading to confrontations with the police and a showdown between the newspaper and the law. Along the way, Danny must navigate various obstacles, including a dangerous gangster and a love triangle. Will he succeed in his quest for fame and redemption?
New York reporter Bob MacAvoy is persuaded by pregnant wife Jane to buy a broken-down weekly newspaper in Eden, California. They have humorous problems with small town mores and eccentric citizens. But their schemes to increase circulation get them in over their heads.
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