A variety series featuring a cast of animated characters mocking real-world events the same day that they happen, and even interviewing real-world guests and newsmakers...
Ron Burgundy is a famous anchorman in 1970s San Diego. When Veronica Corningstone, a female news reporter, joins his news team, they become fierce rivals both on and off the air. The rivalry escalates, leading to a big fight between news teams. Veronica sabotages Ron by changing the words on his teleprompter, leading to his firing. Three months later, Ron is unemployed and friendless, while Veronica has become famous. However, when Veronica is pushed into a bear enclosure, Ron comes to her rescue and they reconcile. They later become co-anchors for a CNN-esque news show.
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues follows Ron Burgundy, who is back in the newsroom as he ventures into the world of cable news. With his loyal news team by his side, Ron faces new challenges and a changing media landscape, all while trying to maintain his unique brand of humor.
Philomena Cunk and friends take a look back at the major events of our 2019th year.
Sports Show with Norm Macdonald is a satirical news show that combines comedy and sports commentary. Norm Macdonald delivers hilarious jokes and provides humorous analysis on the latest sports events and news. The show is a spoof on traditional sports shows and offers a unique and entertaining perspective on the world of sports.
Real Stories is an Australian satirical television comedy series produced by Carlton Television for Network Ten. It was created by Hamish Blake and Andy Lee. The series was first broadcast on 22 August 2006. Eight episodes were produced. The program was a parody of current affairs shows. It was hosted by Jennifer Adams, a former Seven Network reporter. The show mimicked a standard current affairs format. Pre-recorded segments in the show were introduced by the host. These segments starred Hamish Blake, Andy Lee, Ryan Shelton, and Tim Bartley with voice-overs provided by Greg Fleet. The show originally started as a project for Melbourne's Channel 31, a community access television station, as a collaboration between Roving Enterprises and Hamish & Andy's production company, Radio Karate. There are no plans to continue production of the show. It was repeated during 2007, and is currently available on DVD. Several podcasts were produced, including material not broadcast in the series.
A mockumentary taking a comic-look at how the Lewinsky scandal is perceived in the year 2028.
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