Five years after the world is plagued by an unseen force that causes suicide, a mother and her two children desperately seek refuge. They encounter various dangers and must navigate a treacherous river to reach a sanctuary. Along the way, they face personal and external challenges but ultimately find hope in a community that offers protection against the entity.
Set in 1970s Harlem, a young African-American woman fights to prove the innocence of her fiancé who has been wrongfully accused of a crime. As she navigates through racial prejudice and a corrupt justice system, she finds strength in her love and determination to protect her family.
In a remote missionary outpost in China, a group of seven women face danger and violence as they try to survive during a native rebellion. Amidst the chaos, they must confront their own fears and question their faith.
In Count the Hours! (1953), a man finds himself in a small town and becomes the prime suspect in a double murder case. As evidence against him mounts, he must navigate a web of social commentary, deception, and an impending execution. With the help of a defense attorney, he fights to uncover the truth and clear his name.
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