Art School Confidential is a comedy drama that follows a talented art student named Jerome as he enters art school and navigates the challenges of becoming a successful artist. Along the way, he encounters various characters including a serial killer, a nude model, and a prostitute. Jerome struggles with teenage crushes, sexuality, and the pressure to conform to the art world. The movie explores themes of love, competition, and the pursuit of artistic excellence.
Flirt is a thought-provoking drama that explores themes of love, deception, and loneliness. Set in New York City, the film follows the interconnected lives of several individuals as they navigate through relationships, contemplate suicide, and grapple with their own desires and identities.
In 'Lulu on the Bridge,' a saxophonist named Izzy Maurer discovers a magical stone that transforms his life. After being shot in a club, Izzy's life takes a surreal turn as he becomes involved with a mysterious actress, Celia. As Izzy navigates his way through a New York filled with twists and turns, the stone continues to exert its influence, leading him on a journey of self-discovery, love, and danger.
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