In the lawless streets of 1930s New York City, a courageous judge takes on a crime syndicate involved in racketeering, murder, and sabotage. With the help of a dedicated police officer and a fearless businessman, they investigate bribery, corruption, and treachery in their pursuit of justice. As tension rises and violence escalates, they confront powerful gang leaders and uncover the dark secrets of the city's corrupt politicians.
When New York City police officer O'Malley learns of a young man who is about to embark on a life of crime by taking part in a robbery, he takes the boy aside and tells him the story of Boomerang Bill, another wanna-be gangster who wanted to be a big shot in the New York crime scene. It seems that Bill fell for a pretty young dance-hall girl, and went up against local gang boss Tony the Wop when he insulted her. Tony, who never forgot a slight, found a way to make things very, very tough for Boomerang Bill, in a way that he never saw coming.
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