In the 1800s, Captain Ahab becomes obsessed with seeking revenge on a white whale, Moby Dick, who had maimed him. As Ahab leads his crew on a perilous journey, their ship faces treacherous waters and encounters other challenges. The story explores themes of obsession, revenge, and the destructive consequences of single-minded pursuit.
In A Stolen Life, a woman named Kate finds herself living the life of her twin sister, Patricia, who steals her identity and tries to take everything away from her. This psychological drama explores themes of deceit, identity, and sibling rivalry.
Set in the 19th century, 'Down to the Sea in Ships' tells the story of a young boy who embarks on a journey aboard a whaling ship in the Pacific Ocean. He learns important life lessons from the sea captain, his grandfather, and the ship's first mate. The film explores themes of honesty, fairness, and courage, as well as the dangers of whaling and the close relationship between man and nature.
A story of adventure and romance on the high seas, with a cast of intriguing characters and a thrilling plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat.
David and Lynn are a happily married couple. When David gets his dream job in another state, Lynn, a high-powered executive, doesn't want to leave NYC and her job
Set in the 1830s, 'Moby Dick' follows Captain Ahab as he seeks revenge on the white whale that took his leg. The story explores themes of obsession, mania, and the destructive power of revenge.
Being the story of the Morgans, a 19th-century Massachusetts whaling family, their tightly-knit Quaker community, and the dangerous adventures of an unwilling stowaway aboard one of the elder Morgan's harvest vessels.
A look at a series of unsolved murders.
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