The Dreamlife of Angels tells the story of two friends, Isa and Marie, who meet while working in a sewing factory in Lille, France. They form a close bond as they navigate their challenging lives, including homelessness, unemployment, and failed relationships. Their friendship is tested when Isa becomes involved with a womanizer who treats her poorly, leading to anger and emotional instability. Despite the hardships they face, the two women find solace in their friendship and support each other through their struggles.
After being brutally attacked and left with neurological damage, Mark Hogancamp creates a miniature town called Marwencol as a way to escape and recover. Through his art installation and photography, he tells a visual story of personal recovery and healing. However, his peaceful existence is disrupted when his work is discovered and his town becomes a target of a crime.
After suffering a stroke, a filmmaker befriends a con man who takes advantage of her vulnerability and manipulates her into giving him money. As their friendship deepens, the filmmaker struggles to break free from his control and regain her independence.
Former football player and wrestler Chris Nowinski's quest to publicize recent findings about the often dire consequences of head concussions sustained by athletes in contact sports — injuries that have previously been considered momentary setbacks and ignored in the name of toughness and dedication to the team.
Documentary that explored the science and the story of five individuals in the Ulas family in Turkey that walk with a previously unreported quadruped gait.
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