March of the Dinosaurs is a thrilling animated documentary that follows two dinosaur families as they navigate through the harsh conditions of the Arctic Circle and survive the challenges of climate change. The story focuses on Scar, an Ankylosaurus, and Patch, a young dinosaur who must overcome their differences and work together to overcome the threats that they face, including predatory Tyrannosaurus Rex, starvation, and falling through ice.
Alex wants to become a father. Steven, his partner, has to confront his insecurities and fear of change after a lifetime smothered by superficiality. Unable to adopt legally, but still eager to become parents, they decide to turn to the black market, adopting a child from a desperate young woman, who's return with a dangerous new boyfriend, threatens to destroy everything they love.
Horton the elephant is convinced by a bird named Mayzie to sit on her egg while she takes a break. Despite the challenges and dangers he faces, Horton remains dedicated to protecting the egg and fulfilling his promise to Mayzie. Along the way, he encounters hunters, poachers, and various other obstacles, but his determination never wavers.
Documentary exploring the diverse wildlife of Japan, including the snow monkeys of Hokkaido island, as well as bears, giant hornets, serow, cherry salmon and the iconic red-headed crane
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