In Roman Legion-Hare, Bugs Bunny finds himself in ancient Rome as he tries to outwit Yosemite Sam and Nero.
A time machine sends Daffy Duck and Speedy Gonzales back to Rome in 65 A.D., where they are captured for lion fodder as entertainment for Emperor Nero...
An old man is reading a book by the fire. The clock strikes 8, and he heads off to bed. From his book, Alice in Wonderland, out crawls Alice, who turns the radio to the title tune. This wakes up Rip Van Winkle; Alice then rouses the Three Musketeers, who sing a bit. Next tune: Nero fiddles, Rome burns, and Cleopatra sizzles in a slinky dance. Uncle Tom sings a spiritual as Mr. Hyde sneaks up and abducts Alice. Tarzan to the rescue, along with several other characters who mount a spirited attack using such office supplies as pen points, matches, and a fountain pen. They box him up and carry him off.
An art museum, on a dark and stormy night. The statue of Nero comes to life and tries to burn the nearby painting of Rome but his matches go out. He tries to get a set of "hear no evil" monkeys to take the matches from a still life, but they refuse and he teases them. The other artworks come to their defense. Nero plays hurt, and gets the monkeys to help; after they stumble around in the still life for a while, they get drunk on lighter fluid and start breathing flames, which they combine with the fluid to act as a flamethrower. Soon, the museum is ablaze and all the paintings are either sounding the alarm or coming to fight the fire.
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