The Big Bang Theory revolves around the lives of four socially awkward friends, Sheldon, Leonard, Raj, and Howard, who are brilliant scientists. They navigate through their personal lives and relationships while often struggling with everyday social situations. The show primarily focuses on their interactions with their neighbor, Penny, an aspiring actress who is not part of their geeky world. The series showcases their geek culture, love for comic books, sci-fi, video games, and their enduring friendship.
The IT Crowd follows the misadventures of the socially awkward Roy, the arrogant Moss, and their tech-illiterate manager, Jen, as they navigate their way through the absurdities of working in the IT department of a large corporation. With their basement office and a lack of basic technical knowledge, they constantly find themselves in hilarious situations.
Sydney White, a college freshman, finds herself at odds with a popular sorority on campus. With the help of a group of geeks, she takes on the sorority and the elitism that pervades the college. Along the way, Sydney learns about friendship, love, and the power of solidarity.
From Rickrolling to viral conspiracy theories, explore how an anonymous website evolved into a hub for real-world chaos in this documentary.
King of the Nerds is a reality TV show from the 2010s that showcases the intellectual prowess of nerds, scientists, and enthusiasts in a variety of challenges. It is a non-fiction series that celebrates the world of science and knowledge.
Agent Chan, an undercover agent, gets entangled in a web of virtual reality, cross-dressing, and school bullying when he is assigned to protect a social media sensation. With the help of a nerd-culture enthusiast, he must uncover the truth behind a murder while navigating through jealousy and a complicated teacher-student relationship.
"Across the wastelands of Bethesda’s Fallout series, wherever that radioactive fog may spread, The Children of Atom can be found. Their belief in the divinity of Atomic energy, their almighty Deity ‘Atom’ and their hope for ‘Division, where creation is born anew in atomic blasts, make them some of the most interesting characters across the series for me and I’ve wanted to write about them for the longest time."
Zero Charisma is a comedy-drama film about a socially-awkward nerd named Scott, who is the current dungeon master of a Dungeons and Dragons group. He lives with his grandmother and has a strained relationship with his family. When a cool hipster joins his group, Scott's authority and long-held position as the dungeon master is threatened, leading to rivalry and conflicts. The film explores themes of social awkwardness, nerd culture, and arrested development.
Guy Manley, formerly the world’s most preeminent secret agent, who, while drowning in his alcohol-filled retirement, is brought back for one last mission by his former boss Buck Cash. His mission? Kill Buck's brother, Rich Cash, keeping him from being elected the city's new mayor, thereby stopping him from becoming the most powerful person in the world!
Jimmy wakes up only to find out he got fired from his job. That's when his best friend, Rusty is there waiting outside his house to cheer him up and have some fun like the good old days, before responsibilities. Follow them in this slice of life indie comedy as they try to figure out what to do through out the day. Tinder, comics, parties, it's just another day for these undetermined friends.
When a newbie joins their D&D campaign, five friends are jolted out of their fantasy world. Sitcom series following the highs and critical lows of a group of D&D obsessed friends.
After a college jock sees two mysterious orbs of light in the sky, he meets up with an estranged friend to confirm if what he saw was extra-terrestrial.
Marc with a C is the stage name of Orlando indie/DIY singer-songwriter Marc Sirdoreus and was formally a persona enacted on stage for over 20 years. This documentary covers their career using only filmed stage performances, interviews, and other video and audio releases published online by Marc or their audience. Made from a myriad of videos with view counts ranging from 15 to 30k, it chronicles their attempts to use music and lyrics to connect to and understand others, as well as their relationship to attention and performance as social media swallows up small artists to turn art into content.
Quest of the Muscle Nerd is a quirky and heartwarming documentary about one man's dream to host the first ever Bodybuilding/Cosplay competition and the two men who drag their bodies through hell to claim the crown.
Akihabara is a neighborhood of Tokyo, Japan known as "Electric Town" for its rows of one-meter wide discount computer and electronics stores. In more recent years, Akihabara has evolved into a full-blown Mecca for computer enthusiasts, anime and manga fans, doll or "figure" collectors, video gamers and "Otaku" of all kinds. Because Akihabara caters to interests outside of mainstream Japanese society, it captivates an entire subculture of devotees. Join us as we peruse the shops, streets and Maid Cafes to present an engrossing day in the life view of Akihabara, and focus on the unique people who are passionately plugged into this town.
Traceroute is an introspective journey through the nostalgic memories of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, exploring concepts like critical theory, capitalism, and consumerism in relation to the development of the internet. It delves into the world of nerds, hackers, and geeks, examining their impact on society and reflecting on the influence of pop culture and DIY culture.
After her popular ex-boyfriend dumps her, a striving social climber tries to get back at him by joining the Dungeons and Dragons club...and dating his twin brother.
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