Lovely Molly is a drama horror thriller that follows the story of a young woman named Molly who begins to experience a downward spiral into drug addiction and psychosis. As her mental state deteriorates, she is haunted by glimpses of her abusive father and the trauma of her parents' death. She is pushed to the edge as she is confronted with terrifying visions and a sense of impending doom. Can Molly escape the horrors of her own mind, or will she be consumed by her own darkness?
An educational film from 1967 designed to scare teenagers away from illegal drugs
The story is set soon after the reunification of West and East Germany, and is about the disintegrating relationship between Jockel a political activist and Stefan a heroin junkie, and their involvement with a bisexual Micha. A 2nd plot line is concerned with Micha's young son Sascha, and his life in a rundown world of drugs and poverty. His fascination with the creepy, exhibitionist puppeteer Firlefanz, whose grotesque puppets enact a gay fairy tale paralleling the relationship of Stefan and Jockel. Central to the disintegration of these characters is the drug dealer Ingolf, who 'pulls their strings' with heroin, instead of puppet wires.
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