Das Boot is a thrilling TV show that takes place in 1942 during World War II. The story follows the crew of a German U-boat as they navigate the dangers of war and the challenges of life aboard a submarine. The tensions rise as they face the relentless pursuits of enemy ships and the personal conflicts among themselves. This gripping drama explores the complexities of war and the human spirit in the midst of it.
A German U-boat stalks the frigid waters of the North Atlantic as its young crew experience the sheer terror and claustrophobic life of a submariner in World War II. The story is told from the viewpoint of Lt. Werner (Herbert Grönemeyer), who has been assigned as a war correspondent on the German submarine U-96 in October 1941. He meets its captain (Jürgen Prochnow), chief engineer (Klaus Wennemann), and the crew in a French nightclub. Thomsen (Otto Sander), another captain, gives a crude drunken speech to celebrate his Ritterkreuz award, in which he openly mocks Winston Churchill and implicitly Adolf Hitler. The next morning, they sail out of the harbor of La Rochelle to cheering crowds and a playing band...
Das Boot is a thrilling TV show set in World War II, following the crew of a German U-boat as they face the perils of the Battle of the Atlantic. It explores the harsh realities of war, the camaraderie among the crew, and the psychological toll of life on a submarine.
During World War II, an American destroyer engages in a cat-and-mouse game with a German U-boat in a high-stakes battle of wits and strategy.
The Sinking of the Laconia is a gripping drama that tells the true story of the sinking of a British ocean liner during World War II. As the ship is torpedoed by a German U-boat, the passengers and crew must fight for their lives. Amidst the chaos, a Polish officer, a woman, and a group of survivors find themselves in a lifeboat, struggling to survive in the unforgiving Atlantic Ocean.
Set during World War II, The Cruel Sea follows the crew of a British corvette tasked with protecting convoys from German U-boats in the treacherous North Atlantic. The film explores the sacrifices, dangers, and camaraderie experienced by the naval officers and crew in their fight against the enemy.
During World War II, a group of navy lieutenant officers and merchant marine seamen face danger and havoc as they navigate the treacherous waters of the North Atlantic, dealing with submarine attacks, turmoil, treachery, and the constant fear of destruction.
A group of adventurers and scientists, including a professor, a German man, and a female doctor, embark on an arctic expedition to Bear Island. As they explore the island, they encounter betrayal, snowstorms, and mysterious deaths. With the help of a Norwegian woman and a Polish man, they must solve the mysteries and survive the harsh arctic conditions.
Near the end of WWII a lone U-Boat is sent from Germany to Japan carrying plutonium needed for a Japanese A-Bomb. During the long journey, news arrives on the radio that Hitler killed himself and Germany has surrendered. This causes a rift in the crew, the Nazi Party members wanting to continue to Japan since they are still at war, while the others just want to surrender or return home.
Explores the desperate struggle for survival on a hostile ocean during the longest and bloodiest battle of the Second World War.
After Pearl Harbor, convicts at Alcatraz prison live in fear of bomb attacks, driving Champ Larkin and his pal Jimbo to a desperate escape attempt which lands them on a tiny lighthouse island, where they take over. The five inhabitants are stymied in their efforts to summon aid. But the island also figures in the schemes of a big Nazi spy ring; which will win out, the gangsters' greed or their patriotism?
During World War II, a navy officer and a conscientious objector must confront their beliefs while serving on a navy destroyer.
During World War II, a doctor is kidnapped and forced to board a submarine to tend to a wounded Nazi officer. As the journey unfolds, he must navigate the treacherous waters of war, betrayal, and survival.
The crew of a British merchant ship must brave enemy attacks and treacherous waters to deliver crucial supplies during World War Two.
During World War II, a group of British prisoners-of-war are held in a German camp. They devise a plan to escape and return to their homeland, facing various challenges and dangers along the way.
A tale of life on board a Royal Navy cruiser assigned to protect the vital convoys between America and England during WWII.
In the midst of World War II, a war widow develops a complicated relationship with a captain aboard a tugboat while living in fear and danger.
In 1939 German U-boat captain Günther Prien receives orders to infiltrate the British Royal Navy base at Scapa Flow and sink British warships.
American naval forces are using a port in Iceland as a base for anti-submarine patrols to protect North Atlantic convoys from Nazi subs. The Nazis send undercover agents into the port in a scheme to blow up the entrance to the harbor and keep the patrols blocked in. The officers in charge of the patrols have to find the spies and stop them before they achieve their objective.
Alfred, a sailor, is thrust into the front lines of World War II without any weapons when his merchant ship is targeted by German submarines. Meanwhile, his wife and children struggle to adapt to the hardships of war.