Nuremberg is a TV mini-series that portrays the historic post-World War II trials of Nazi war criminals. The story revolves around the efforts of the US military and the Supreme Court Justice to bring justice to those responsible for crimes against humanity. The gripping drama unfolds in the courtroom as the defendants face trial and the world gets a glimpse of the horrors of the Holocaust and the atrocities committed during World War II.
Triumph of the Will is a documentary film directed by Leni Riefenstahl that showcases the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg, Germany. The film serves as a landmark piece of Nazi propaganda, highlighting Adolf Hitler's charisma and the Nazi Party's efforts to establish a totalitarian state. It features extensive footage of mass rallies, military displays, and elaborate parades, all designed to glorify the Nazi regime and create a sense of unity and power.
A comprehensive look at Adolf Hitler's life and rise to power, exploring his failed artistic career, his involvement in the Nazi party, and the events leading up to World War II.
A team of researchers drilling into the Earth's crust accidentally awaken a group of dormant Nazis who have been hiding in an underground base in Antarctica. The Nazis, led by a megalomaniac scientist, seek to revive Adolf Hitler and carry out their plan for world domination. As the scientists fight to escape, they must confront zombies, cyborgs, and various other horrors created through sinister medical experiments.
Explore the historical significance of the Hitler–Stalin Pact, a surprising alliance between two powerful leaders that shaped the course of World War II. Delve into the political motivations and consequences of this controversial agreement.
Portraits of important people in Nazi-Germany.
The Decent One is a documentary that explores the life of Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS during Nazi Germany. It delves into the atrocities committed by him and provides insight into the mindset of a high-ranking Nazi official. Through reenactments, archive footage, and letters written by Himmler himself, the film sheds light on the dark history of the Holocaust and the ideology of Nazism.
The film begins with the First World War and ends in 1945. Without exception, recordings from this period were used, which came from weekly news reports from different countries. Previously unpublished scenes about the private life of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun were also shown for the first time. The film was originally built into a frame story. The Off Commentary begins with the words: "This film [...] is a document of delusion that on the way to power tore an entire people and a whole world into disaster. This film portrays the suffering of a generation that only ended five to twelve. " The film premiered in Cologne on November 20, 1953, but was immediately banned by Federal Interior Minister Gerhard Schröder in agreement with the interior ministers of the federal states of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The Wannsee Conference is a chilling historical drama that depicts the real-time meeting where high-ranking Nazi officials plan the 'Final Solution.' Set in 1942, the film explores the institutional brutality and racism that permeated Nazi Germany during World War II.
Das Himmler Projekt is a documentary that delves into the life of Heinrich Himmler, a key figure in Nazi Germany. Through recordings and reenactments, the film explores his ideology, crimes against humanity, and his role in World War Two.
Two brothers who could not have been more different. The eldest, Hermann Göring (1893-1946), was a prominent member of the Nazi regime, head of the German Air Force, and a war criminal. The youngest, Albert Göring (1895-1966), opposed tyranny and was persecuted, but today he is still unjustly forgotten, although he saved many lives while his brother and his accomplices ravaged Europe.
After a terrible winter, 1942 starts badly for Stalin due to a ruthless Nazi campaign that leaves millions of Soviets captive and without food.
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