Perú: Tesoro Escondido is a captivating documentary that takes viewers on a journey through the enchanting Peruvian Andes, exploring the rich history of the Inca civilization, the magnificent Machu Picchu, the breathtaking Lake Titicaca, the mesmerizing Amazonian rainforest, the world-famous Nazca Lines, and showcasing the vibrant culture of Cuzco. From the snowy peaks of the Andes to the vibrant streets of Lima, this documentary is a celebration of the diverse landscapes, cultural heritage, and natural wonders that make Peru a true hidden treasure.
In the year 2113, the earth is attacked by the inhabitants of Elysium, a planet located at the end of the Galaxy. Four men join in the final battle to save the planet.
A valuable medallion believed to prove that aliens from outer space visited Earth in prehistoric times is sought.
In Spring of 2017, researchers began a scientific inquiry into the origins of six, three-fingered mummies found in Nazca, Peru. Preliminary results from tests performed on the largest mummy's anomalous hands, cross-examined against the rest of the body, revealed no evidence to indicate a hoax. Scientists found the largest mummy, Maria, to be female and carbon dated her at roughly 1,700 years old. The tedious work of placing the mummies' DNA in our fossil record, comparing it to modern and ancient humans has begun.
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