Lansky is a crime thriller film that delves into the untold true story of Meyer Lansky, the infamous mobster and mastermind behind organized crime. Set in Miami during the 1980s, the film follows a writer who befriends Lansky and gets pulled into a dangerous investigation involving Nazi spies, FBI surveillance, and a secret crime syndicate. As the timelines intertwine, Lansky's past and present collide, revealing the dark secrets and violent history of the man who ruled the underworld. With shocking twists and gripping suspense, Lansky is a thrilling tale of power, betrayal, and survival.
In American Warships, a US Navy ship captain leads a secret engagement against an unknown enemy at sea. With the help of naval officers and intelligence, they must battle the enemy and protect their ship. The movie showcases intense naval combat, explosions, and a fight between good and evil.
In the midst of World War II, an American journalist finds himself caught in a web of deception, murder, and espionage while investigating a murder and a conspiracy. As he delves deeper into the dark underbelly of Shanghai, he uncovers the hidden layers of a city torn apart by war, occupied by the Japanese and plagued by corruption. With his life and the lives of those he cares about at stake, he must navigate through a treacherous landscape of secrets, betrayal, and danger.
A documentary of the life leading up to the election of John F. Kennedy as president and the controversial life prior that created the legend.
A former British Naval Officer now makes his living by smuggling goods around the Mediterranean. After being forced to dump his cargo after nearly being caught by the authorities in Malta, he is eager to recoup his losses. When a former colleague appears and tells a wild story about smuggling diamonds out of South West Africa, he sees his chance to make a lot of money....
American soldiers undertake a mission to capture a Japanese admiral who has survived an air crash in China during WWII.
A former Navy man attempts to redeem his honor by exposing a shipping tycoon's dealings with the enemy.
A code expert working for Naval Intelligence is assigned to decode enemy messages despite his desire for active duty.
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