Zootopia is a city like no other. In this bustling metropolis, animals of all species live together in harmony. When Judy Hopps, a determined bunny, becomes the first-ever rabbit to join the police force, she quickly realizes that it's not easy being a small animal in a big city. However, her dreams of making a difference are soon put to the test when she teams up with Nick Wilde, a sly fox who is falsely accused of a crime. Together, they uncover a sinister plot that could tear Zootopia apart and challenge the ideals of equality and acceptance. As they race against time to solve the mystery, Judy and Nick must confront their own biases and overcome the stereotypes that society has placed upon them. With their unique skills and unlikely partnership, they strive to prove that anyone, no matter their size or species, can make a difference.
Documentary about nudism in New Zealand.
The first of two magazine videos about naturist opportunities in the United Kingdom in 2004. Venues included Pevors Farm and Merryhill (featuring the annual music festival) as well as the Channel Island Albany.
A look at various naturist venues around the United Kingdom. Includes an interview with Craven Walker at his beloved BDOC. Other venues and naked recreation are featured.
Alice Gilding, the Parafotos secretary, forgoes a conversation into the naturist way of life.
This time, the directors decided to do a more behind the scenes look of creating a naturist travel video. At the beginning of the film, they hold a casting in Spielplatz for the main roles, where two beautiful girls are chosen (who would doubt) – April and Sammy. Then everyone together goes to the Mediterranean coast of Crete to the village of Cretan Kalypso, where they meet up with friends Jocelyn and Regis and try to figure out why this magnificent naturist resort has become so popular.
A UK naturist documentary, among the interviewees are then editor of Health & Efficiency - Helen Ludbrook (at Christmas Pie Fields in Kent) and Mark Nisbet (on a boat). Also features the first Naturist Family of the Year award.
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