Distant Drums is a gripping movie set in the 1840s, following a widowed cowboy in the untamed Florida Everglades as he battles Native American uprisings and treacherous swamps. With elements of action, adventure, and drama, this film depicts the story of courage and survival in a dangerous jungle.
After her father's death, a cattle queen takes on cattle rustlers and corrupt officials in the Montana territory, seeking justice and vindication.
Incident at Oglala is a documentary film that explores the oppressive actions and abuse of power by the FBI during the 1970s in South Dakota. It focuses on the unjust incarceration and political prisoner Leonard Peltier, a Native American activist. The film highlights the circumstances surrounding a police shootout and the manipulation of evidence by the FBI. It delves into the violence, government authority, group dynamics, social control, and vigilante justice that unfolded during this Native American uprising.
A Rin-Tin-Tin serial presented in 12 episodes. The mysterious Wolf Man is terrorizing settlers in a western town. With the help of Rinty, young Jimmy Carter unmasks the Wolf Man and foils his evil plot.
Social-justice movie about exploitation of Indians by white people in pre-Revolution Mexico.
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