Mission Blue is a documentary that follows the life and work of marine biologist Sylvia Earle, who has dedicated her life to studying and protecting the ocean. The film explores Earle's career, her groundbreaking research, and her efforts to raise awareness about the importance of ocean conservation. Through stunning underwater footage, interviews, and archival material, Mission Blue paints a captivating portrait of a woman on a mission to save the ocean.
Grizzly II: Revenge is a horror film set in a national park where a vengeful grizzly bear wreaks havoc on campers and park rangers. As chaos ensues, a group of survivors must find a way to stop the bear before it claims more lives. The film also features a subplot about an unfinished music concert that adds to the tension and panic. With scenes of violence and bodily dismemberment, Grizzly II is a terrifying creature feature that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Carterland is a captivating biography documentary that explores the life of a prominent figure, focusing on their political career and achievements. It delves into topics such as piano music, the US Senate, the Democratic Party, inflation, human rights, equality, the Southern region, global warming, national parks, the National Park Service, Denali National Park, wilderness, environmental protection, the President of the United States, Congress, conservation, nature, American politics, honesty, gender equality, civil rights, ethics, law, solar energy, renewable energy, Walter Cronkite, archive footage, climate change, oil, energy, environmentalism, leadership, Iran, peace, governorship, the Panama Canal, foreign policy, and the Watergate scandal.
A 39-year-old man named Melvin - who after 30 years - is still attempting to acquire his Junior Ranger badge with the National Park Service. He encounters a militant aggressive senior park ranger named Hubert who puts Melvin through an insane training regimen that goes off the rails.
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