Seeing Allred is a documentary film that follows the life and career of Gloria Allred, a prominent women's rights attorney. It explores her battles for gender equality, her high-profile cases, and the impact she has had on the women's rights movement. The film also delves into her personal life and the challenges she has faced. Overall, Seeing Allred provides an intimate and inspiring look at the life of this iconic feminist activist.
Mercury 13 is a documentary that tells the story of the women who underwent rigorous training to become astronauts as part of the NASA Project Mercury in the 1960s. Despite their qualifications and dedication, these women were ultimately barred from becoming astronauts due to institutional sexism and prejudice. The film explores their journey and the impact of their exclusion on the space race and women's rights movement.
A documentary about the circumstances during a party at a University of Florida fraternity that led up to what may or may not have been a rape. Interspersed with actual footage shot by the fraternity brothers on the night of the incident, including the sexual acts. This video led to the police not pressing charges and the involvement of NOW, and eventually led to the fraternity getting kicked off campus.
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