Fushigi Yugi: The Mysterious Play follows the story of a teenage girl named Miaka Yuki who is transported into an alternate reality after reading a mysterious book. In this new world, she becomes the priestess of the book and must gather the seven celestial warriors to summon the god Suzaku and fulfill her destiny. Along the way, she faces numerous challenges and romantic rivalries as she navigates the politics and dangers of the land.
Before Night Falls tells the story of Reinaldo Arenas, an openly gay Cuban poet and novelist, as he navigates the challenges of living under a totalitarian regime. Despite facing political oppression and social intolerance, Arenas continues to write and express himself, eventually becoming a political refugee and finding hope and freedom in New York City.
The National Library of France is the guardian of priceless treasures that tell our history, our illustrious thinkers, writers, scholars and artists. Telling the story of the exceptional treasures of the National Library of France is like opening a great history book rich in many twists and turns. Without the love of the kings of France for books and precious objects, this institution would never have seen the light of day. The story begins in the 14th century under the reign of a passionate writer, Charles V, who set up a library in his apartments in the Louvre. But it was not until the 17th century, and the reign of Louis XIV, a lover of the arts and letters, that the royal library took over its historic quarters in the rue Vivienne in Paris, which it still occupies.
Winter 2019. Spanish war photographer Gervasio Sánchez, who documented with his camera the long and tragic siege of Sarajevo during the Bosnian War (1992-95), returns to the city in search of the children he met among the ruins, those who survived to grow up, live and remember.
Jean-Louis Matouzec works for French National Library as an expert looking after the restoration of old manuscripts.He falsifies marriage certificates as his wife refuses divorce.
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