Lords of Chaos is a biographical drama that follows the rise and fall of a Norwegian black metal band called Mayhem. The story revolves around the band's controversial activities, including church burnings, self-harm, and a series of violent acts. It showcases the dark and nihilistic side of the music scene in Oslo, Norway during the 1980s and 1990s.
In a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies, a worried father must protect his daughter as they navigate dangerous obstacles and fight for survival.
A Regular Woman tells the true story of a young Turkish woman living in Berlin who becomes a victim of honor killing. Facing violence, sexual abuse, and threats from her own family, she ultimately pays the ultimate price for choosing to live life on her own terms.
An offbeat anthology film, mix of sex, horror and humor filmed in varied styles.
This movie is made-up of three tales, the first one is, "Young Blood" it is about a married pair of vampires who adopt a child. In "The Guardians," a pair of avaricious grave robbers make a terrible mistake when they visit the St. Francis Abbey cemetery to do a little pillaging. The final episode, "Visions of Sugar-Plum" is set at Christmas time and is set at the home of a loving grandmother.
In a small town, the residents are terrified by a series of murders committed by a mysterious hangman. As the body count rises, the community is consumed by fear and the bystander effect takes hold. The film is a powerful allegory for the Holocaust and McCarthyism, exploring themes of punishment, morality, and the consequences of silence.
In the window of the house, where some say the sweetness dwells, is reflected, every night, a delicious story.
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