ARMS is an manga series that is heavily influenced by Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The series is created by Kyoichi Nanatsuki and Ryoji Minagawa. In 1999, the manga received the Shogakukan Manga Award for shōnen. The manga was adapted as an anime series called Project ARMS. It stars a young man named Ryo Takatsuki, who at the beginning of the series believes that he was in an accident causing his right arm to be severed from his body. However, as the story progresses, it is revealed that he was actually a test subject for experiments involving genetics and an "ARMS" nanomachine implant, along with 3 other youths: Kei Karuma, Takeshi Tomoe, and Hayato Shingu. They all meet under strange circumstances and after many battles they set off on a journey to rescue Ryo's girlfriend Katsumi Akagi who is kidnapped by the Egrigori. The Egrigori are the creators of the ARMS technology.
Jake Foley, a computer technician for the NSA, is accidentally infected with nanomachines, giving him superhuman abilities. Jake must juggle his new powers with his everyday life while working as a secret agent for national security.
Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever is an intense action film that follows the story of two highly skilled secret agents, Ecks and Sever. They find themselves on opposite sides of a deadly conflict, forced to fight against each other. As the tension rises, they must navigate a dangerous world of espionage, betrayal, and high-stakes action.
A mysterious man called Es/Kamen Rider Eden has emerged, committing simultaneous acts of terror across the world, with thousands of believers following his faith. While the people fall one by one and the world delves into chaos, Aruto Hiden stands up to stop him. Isamu Fuwa, Yaiba Yuia, Gai Amatsu, plus Jin and Horobi of also transform into Kamen Riders and fight against the enemy while struggling to seek the truth.
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