Blue Thunder follows the story of a test pilot who is assigned to fly a prototype helicopter equipped with advanced surveillance technology. As he begins to uncover corruption within the Los Angeles Police Department, he becomes targeted by a psychopathic officer. With the help of his co-worker and girlfriend, he must use the helicopter's capabilities to expose the truth and bring justice. The movie is filled with thrilling chase scenes, explosive action, and a gripping plot that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.
Bonobo is a 2014 comedy-drama film that explores various relationships and personal journeys. It follows the story of a group of people living in a commune and delves into themes of love, sexuality, and self-discovery. The film touches on topics such as lesbian relationships, gay themes, and the exploration of one's identity. With a mix of humor and emotional moments, Bonobo takes the audience on a journey of personal exploration and the complexities of human relationships.
Serge and his four colleagues work in a small company that has just been brought out by a large corporation. As a welcoming gift, they are invited by their new employer to spend a day of relaxation at a spa.
Gay men and their pursuit of physical perfection. When it comes to looks and body image, gay men can be a pretty tough crowd. Men are visually programmed. And gay men have an appreciation for beauty in all aspects, whether it's other male bodies or just antiques. There's no doubt that attractiveness is key to a man's self-esteem and his impression on others, especially in gay life. The pressure to look good is even more intense in an image- driven culture where near-naked images of masculine perfection abound. Men are being objectified as never before. From super models and muscle boys, to bears and twinks to average Joes, along with experts in the business of beauty, "The Adonis Factor" is a revealing look at gay men's love or lust for all things pretty.
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