X-Men: Evolution follows the lives of teenage mutants attending the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. They must balance their superhero training with their everyday lives, all while facing various threats from supervillains and navigating the complexities of being a mutant in a world that fears and discriminates against them.
In the 1980s, the X-Men must come together to stop En Sabah Nur, an ancient mutant, from destroying the world. With the help of new recruits and old allies, they must use their powers and courage to save humanity.
In a dystopian future, the X-Men send Wolverine back in time to prevent an event that leads to the extinction of mutants. Wolverine must convince a broken Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr to work together to stop Mystique from assassinating Bolivar Trask, the creator of the sentinel program.
A spoof on previous years' epic movies, TV series, and music videos, Epic Movie follows four orphans who embark on an epic adventure after receiving golden tickets. The tickets lead them to the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory, where they discover the dark secret behind the chocolate's ingredients. Along the way, they encounter parodies of famous films, celebrities, and iconic characters as they try to escape the clutches of the evil Willy Wonka. With humor and satire, Epic Movie takes audiences on a wild and hilarious journey through the world of cinema.
A group of teenagers join forces with the Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes, to fight against the tyrannical Loki and his mighty empire.
In a world where mutants (evolved super-powered humans) exist and are discriminated against, two groups form for an inevitable clash: the supremacist Brotherhood, and the pacifist X-Men. Evolution gives rise to mutants, and two groups with conflicting ideologies - the X-Men, led by Professor Charles Xavier, and the Brotherhood, led by Magneto - face off in a battle for peace and equality in a world filled with discrimination.
In the 1960s, superpowered humans Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr work together to find others like them, but Erik's vengeful pursuit of an ambitious mutant who ruined his life causes a schism to divide them. At a German concentration camp in occupied Poland during 1944, young Erik Lensherr is separated from his parents by Nazi guards...
The X-Men discover that a cure for mutations has been developed, leading to a conflict with Magneto and an all-out battle for mutant rights.
A woman goes to a sideshow fortune-teller to have her fortune told, and is astonished when the man looks into his crystal ball and goes into great detail about events in her past that few people ever knew about. Shaken, she leaves and later tells her girlfriend about the incident. The girlfriend insists that she invite the fortune-teller to a party they're having at her house. What the woman doesn't realize is that the "fortune-teller" is actually the ex-husband she abandoned years ago, when she took their daughter and ran off with her lover. When the "charlatan" is invited to the party, he sees an opportunity to take his revenge on his faithless ex-wife.
X-Men Unite! From an abandoned oil rig, Magneto, Mystique and Juggernaut prepare to unleash a weapon that will destroy all human life! Cyclops, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Beast and Archangel race to save Storm from their clutches, but first, they'll have to stop the rampaging giant Sentinels programmed to destroy them!
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