Wildfire is an American animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera in 1986. The series follows the adventures of Sara, a 13-year-old girl growing up in the American West, as she discovers her true identity as a princess-in-hiding from another realm who is destined to fight an evil witch. The show was first broadcast on CBS for a single 13-episode season from September 13 to December 6, 1986.
A rugged warrior is on a quest to avenge his father's brutal slaying and in search of a legendary sorcerer who can help him. Joining him on his mission is a beautiful enchantress who is also searching for the sorcerer; pursuing him is a malevolent wizard who wants him dead.
When an archaeological excavation unleashes an evil creature from an Indian burial ground in the New Mexico desert, a female sheriff and her deputy must fight to protect their town from the creature's attacks. With the help of an archaeologist, they uncover the creature's origins and find a way to destroy it before it destroys them all.
In her journey, Pocahontas and her spiritual companion Hopi Ho, get the chance to become acquainted with the different ways of living of the different American Indian tribes that they visit.
Following the death of her mother, Sarah, a Californian teenager, is sent to live with her father in the Scottish Highlands. After a riding accident she is befriended by a fascinating old hermit named Fergus, who has spent his life living in the mountains and whose home is a haven for wounded animals. Through her friendship with Fergus, Sarah discovers the beautiful legendary Princess Stallion and embarks upon the adventure of a lifetime.
The Moon Stallion is a British children's television serial made by the BBC in 1978 and written by Brian Hayles, who also authored its novelization. The series stars Sarah Sutton as Diana Purwell, a young blind girl who becomes embroiled in mystical intrigue set around the Wiltshire countryside.
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