“Olive” is a short documentary that follows Olive Hagemeier, an energetic woman, on her daily routine of salvaging, repackaging and redistributing food, and occasional other types of “waste”, across Atlanta, GA. Presented in a quiet observational style, this film is both a character study of a committed and enigmatic volunteer, as well as an ethnographic work that places the audience in the heart of a decentralized, volunteer-run mutual aid network in a “post-COVID” American city.
Green meadows, blue sky in Swabia: Actually, the world of the two villages Oberrieslingen and Unterrieslingen should be in perfect order. But she is not. Why? Because the two hostile villages have had to share a church and a cemetery since the Middle Ages, which has caused squabbles and squalor to this day.
At 19, passionate about street art, Naëlle (Najaa Bensaid) is forced to follow a reintegration project with other young people, her last chance to avoid being separated from her loved ones. Touched by the young girl, Hélène (Agnès Jaoui), the site manager and her instructor, introduces her one day to the Maison des Compagnons de Nantes, a world of traditions that promotes craftsmanship excellence and transmission between generations. Alongside Paul (Pio Marmai), a companion stained glass artist who agrees to take her for training in his studio, Naëlle discovers a universe with codes very different from hers that could give new meaning despite her difficulties in life. Naëlle will carve a place for herself in the fascinating world of stained glass and will realize that the Companions' values are not just empty words.
Rent-a-baby Traffic policeman Leo Fink has two passions: Firstly the revolutionary programme he invented and developed which shall avoid any kind of traffic jam and secondly Vera Becker, head of the traffic guidance department. She, however, ignores him - at least until she sees him carrying a baby. Suddenly, the single woman, otherwise so cool, gets interested in Leo who, in turn, scents that this is his big chance. He is rather sure that he will be able to win her over to his side with the help of the baby and his pioneering plan against traffic jams which he wants to introduce to her in a presentation. But there is a small problem: Little Felix is not his son.
A clever boy designs a creative ploy to protect his little sister from repeated monster attacks.
GARBAGE DREAMS follows three teenage boys born into the trash trade and growing up in the world's largest garbage village. It is the home to 60,000 Zaballeen, Egypt's 'garbage people.' When their community is suddenly faced with the globalization of their trade, each boy is forced to make choices that will impact his life and the future of his community.
A thought-provoking and genre-bending look behind the scenes of what might be the world's only underground DIY anarcho-feminist porn collective.
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