In Hornblower: Retribution, naval officer Horatio Hornblower faces mutiny, betrayal, and a Spanish enemy as he navigates the treacherous waters of the Napoleonic War. With ship mutinies, court-martials, and a tyrannical captain, Hornblower must navigate his own sense of justice and morality amidst the chaos of war.
Hornblower: Mutiny (2001) is a movie set during the Napoleonic wars. The story follows a naval officer named Horatio Hornblower who faces mutiny and conspiracy within the Royal Navy. As he navigates the challenges, he must make moral choices and confront the traumas of war. The movie explores themes of military discipline, military justice, and the ambition of naval officers. It also features thrilling naval battles and showcases the struggles of life at sea. Will Hornblower be able to overcome the obstacles and uphold his duty?
Author writes about his experiences sailing at sea, struggles to get his work published.
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