Set in the present-day, a group of motorcycle-riding performers known as the Knightriders tour the country performing in Renaissance fairs. Led by their charismatic leader, King Billy, the troupe lives by a code of honor and chivalry, reenacting medieval jousting matches for a modern audience. However, tensions arise within the group as they grapple with personal conflicts and the pressures of maintaining their ideals in a society that is becoming increasingly commercialized.
A motorcycle gang led by Anchor goes on a sadistic killing spree in the desert. They terrorize a small town, taking pleasure in inflicting pain and violence. The gang clashes with the local sheriff, leading to a deadly final showdown.
Chrome and Hot Leather is a 1971 movie about an undercover operation led by a Green Beret to infiltrate an outlaw biker gang. Filled with motorcycle chases, knife fights, and revenge, the film explores the clash between good and evil as the special forces try to bring down the gang.
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