O Lucky Man! (1973) follows the journey of a young coffee salesman named Mick Travis as he embarks on a surreal and darkly comedic exploration of ambition and corruption. From encountering an evil industrialist to a touring band, Mick faces unjust incarceration, corrupted idealism, and surreal situations that challenge his beliefs. This satirical film delves into themes of power, greed, and the absurdity of modern society.
A jewel thief with amnesia and a jazz singer with emotional exhaustion meet in Morocco and are drawn together by their shared pasts.
Ten Minutes Older: The Cello is a collection of short films that explore different aspects of life and time. The film features various stories, including reminiscing about the past, encountering future selves, and exploring the meaning of work and marriage. The common thread throughout the film is the presence of a cello, which serves as a metaphor for the passage of time.
Theater manager James Guthrie's (Melvyn Douglas) career depends on famed soprano Elsa Terry (Grace Moore) singing in his Buenos Aires opera house, however, Elsa breaks the contract in favor of a more lucrative deal in Paris. Desperate, James begins showering her with flowers and candy in an attempt to woo her to the Argentinian opera house. When Elsa overhears James confess to his friend Pancho that he'd be willing to resort to kidnapping to get Elsa to Argentina, she mistakenly believes his motives to be solely romantic.
A captivating documentary that delves into the lives of a Romani community in the 1980s, exploring their culture, traditions, struggles, and aspirations. The film provides an intimate look at their daily lives, their unique subculture, and the challenges they face in a society that often misunderstands and marginalizes them.
Director Clint Alberta takes us on a hilarious and bittersweet journey into the hearts and minds of some very ordinary, extraordinary young Canadians. Clint, taking on the role of Clint Star, seeks out his far-flung buddies, young Natives like himself. They talk about sex and life... love and abuse... 500 years of oppression--with humour, grace and courage. Deep Inside Clint Star explores issues of identity, sexuality and intimacy, while retaining the creative and playful style of a director who is not afraid of turning the camera on himself. This engaging documentary will draw you out of yourself and deep inside Clint Star.
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