Your Lie in April is a heartwarming story about a young pianist named Kōsei Arima who is haunted by the trauma of his mother's death. He meets a talented violinist named Kaori Miyazono and together they embark on a musical journey of friendship, love, and self-discovery.
Copying Beethoven is a period drama about a music student who takes on the task of copying Ludwig van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. Set in the 1820s, the film explores the relationship between the composer and his young female copyist, showcasing the challenges she faces in a male-dominated music world. Alongside the musical composition, the movie delves into themes of love, ambition, and the struggle for recognition.
Imaginary Heroes tells the story of a suburban family who is forced to confront their secrets and deal with the aftermath of a tragedy. The film explores themes of loss, grief, and the complexity of family relationships.
A documentary about the life and work of musician Frank Zappa, exploring his music career, his controversial lyrics, and his impact on the music industry.
The House of the Seven Gables follows the story of the cursed Pyncheon family, who have been haunted by a dark secret for generations. As they struggle to escape the shadow of their past, they face imprisonment, death in the family, family conflicts, and the discovery of hidden truths. Set in the year 1828, this historical drama explores themes of betrayal, love, and the pursuit of justice.
The life story of Scott Joplin and how he became the greatest ragtime composer of all time.
Howard Goodall examines the work of The Beatles, Cole Porter, Bernard Herrmann and Leonard Bernstein.
Morricone Conducts Morricone is a live concert film featuring renowned composer Ennio Morricone conducting his own music. The concert showcases Morricone's iconic film scores and highlights his contributions to the world of cinematic music. Filmed in Munich, Germany, the performance features an orchestra, choir, and soloists, bringing Morricone's compositions to life on stage.
This documentary begins with Ken Russell posing the question: "What is a true English folk song, if there is such a thing?" After recieving an indifferent response from his dog, Ken journeys around the countryside of England searching for an answer. He bumps into and interviews such famous artists as; Donovan, Fairport Convention, Osibisa, Eliza Carthy, So What, Edward II and The Albion Band among others.
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