Summer Hours (2008) is a drama movie that explores the dynamics of a family dealing with the challenges of inheritance and memories after the death of their mother. The film showcases the different perspectives and conflicts among the siblings as they navigate the process of selling their childhood home and deciding the fate of their mother's belongings. It delves into themes of family relationships, grief, and the passage of time.
Lemon is a one-shot avant-garde short film that explores minimalism and lighting techniques. It focuses on a lemon as a still-life subject, showcasing the play of light and shadow. The film is considered a museum piece and part of the structural film movement.
The decorative pattern style of a traditional Metis coat is explored.
Close-ups of fine detail of the ancient skill of quillwork embroidery--brightly coloured geometric designs on high-ankled, Seneca-type moccasins. These moccasins are over one hundred years old, from the fabled Speyer Collection that was repatriated from Germany by the National Museum of Man in 1975.
In this animated short from the Canada Vignette series, the camera explores, in exquisite detail, the daily hunt, fishing scenes and children at play as etched in black on an ivory Inuit pipe.
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